Okay. I'll admit it. It's all a lie. I can hardly call this a weekly WIP as I've missed 2 weeks, but it makes a great title.
I've been so busy the last 2 weeks volunteering at my boys' school, getting the garden ready and hand-dyeing that I haven't been keeping up with my knitting. I've also crocheted a bunch of little flowers (left) and made some costume jewellery. I've accomplished a fair bit, but my knitting projects are pretty much where they were 2 weeks ago.
I did, however, cast on a pair of socks last night using my recently dyed Briggs and Little Sport that I dyed with food colouring. It's a single ply wool yarn and the colour is delicious.
I'm knitting a basic top-down sock (based on the Solidago pattern on Knitty.com) and it is knitting up quite nicely so far. I love how the colours are already starting to pool in just the right way. Hopefully, I'll be done at least one more for next week's WIP.
Knitting. Spinning. Weaving. Hand Dyeing. I've got all the skills needed to survive a zombie apocalypse.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Monday, 18 May 2015
Adventures in Dyeing - Part 3
It's a gorgeous summer afternoon (for a Victoria Day) and rather than do myself in under the hot, hot sun gardening, I decided to do a little more dyeing.
I hope that this is a better documentation than in Adventures in Dyeing Part 2. I hope to be able to eventually find the technique that works best for me. I'm not sold on this one; I hand-painted the yarn this time using squeeze bottles and the Wilton Dyes.
I hope that this is a better documentation than in Adventures in Dyeing Part 2. I hope to be able to eventually find the technique that works best for me. I'm not sold on this one; I hand-painted the yarn this time using squeeze bottles and the Wilton Dyes.
1. Prep the Yarn
I pre-soaked (or wetted) the yarn in a solution that's 1:3 vinegar:water for an hour or so. Then after wringing it gently, I laid it out on a plastic sheet (garbage bag). Today I used 2 skeins of Knit Picks Bare Wool Bulky (top image), a skein of Briggs & Little Sport Natural, and a skein of Briggs & Little Heritage Sheeps Grey (image below, top and bottom).
2. Prep the dyes
The great thing about using the squeeze bottles is that they are marked with measurements. The bottles take 8oz of liquid, so I filled each to 2 1/2oz vinegar, then added about 1/2tsp of the Wilton gel and stirred to start to dissolve it. (This was not 100% successful, not all of the gel dissolved in the vinegar and some still came out in globs. Next time, I'll dissolve the gel in warm water and then add the vinegar). I then filled the bottle with water, screwed on the lid and shook to mix the dye. Note: squeeze bottles from the Dollarama don't seal too well, so dye leaked out. I'll have to pick up a better set.
3. Paint the yarn
Using the squeeze bottles, I painted stripes on the yarn, overlapping colours where I saw fit.
Once the colour is set, I let the skeins cool down on the deck in their bowls. To finish things off, I rinsed the yarn under lukewarm water and then soaked it for about 10 minutes in Soak. A quick wringing and spin in the salad spinner and it was ready to hang to dry on the deck.
I pre-soaked (or wetted) the yarn in a solution that's 1:3 vinegar:water for an hour or so. Then after wringing it gently, I laid it out on a plastic sheet (garbage bag). Today I used 2 skeins of Knit Picks Bare Wool Bulky (top image), a skein of Briggs & Little Sport Natural, and a skein of Briggs & Little Heritage Sheeps Grey (image below, top and bottom).
2. Prep the dyes
The great thing about using the squeeze bottles is that they are marked with measurements. The bottles take 8oz of liquid, so I filled each to 2 1/2oz vinegar, then added about 1/2tsp of the Wilton gel and stirred to start to dissolve it. (This was not 100% successful, not all of the gel dissolved in the vinegar and some still came out in globs. Next time, I'll dissolve the gel in warm water and then add the vinegar). I then filled the bottle with water, screwed on the lid and shook to mix the dye. Note: squeeze bottles from the Dollarama don't seal too well, so dye leaked out. I'll have to pick up a better set.
3. Paint the yarn
Using the squeeze bottles, I painted stripes on the yarn, overlapping colours where I saw fit.
For the bulky, I painted one end with Red Red, and the other with Lemon Yellow. I blended the 2 in the middle by overlapping the colours, but with a slightly watered down red.
The Sport (top) and Heritage (bottom) both have a combination of the Lemon Yellow, Sky Blue and Black. The really cool thing about the Black dye is that it's not black at all. Even as the dye hits the wool, both purple and green are evident!
4. Blend the Dye
To blend the colours into all strands of the yarn, I gently squeezed the yarn, making the painted stripes blend together, softening the effect.
5. Set the dye
I carefully lifted the skeins and gently wrung them out before placing the yarn (lightest side up) into Pyrex bowls for steaming in the microwave. Unfortunately, I wasn't as careful as I thought and some of the green pooled on the plastic, affecting the yellow of the bulky yarn.
To steam, I microwaved each bowl of yarn on high for 2 minutes, then let them rest for 2 minutes and repeated this a total of 3 times until he water ran clear when the yarn was lifted out of the bowl. (When you do this, don't forget to put a plate or loose fitting lid on top to trap the steam, while still letting some escape.)
6. Finish the yarn
I'm pretty pleased with how the yellow/blue/black dye combos worked out. I expected to get a purple and green result from the black dye, but didn't expect that the blue would disappear into it and the yellow to result in so much green.
As for the red/yellow, I expected a little more red or orange from the dye and a lot less pink. The blend between the 2 colours was mostly successful, but I'm not keen on the orangey-pink colour in the final product. I think I will either over dye the whole thing in yellow or a different shade of red. The fun is in the experimentation and the unexpected results. The accidental pooling of green that crept onto the yellow/red actually had a nice result, adding a little more interest to the boring old orangey-pink!
Thursday, 14 May 2015
Adventures in Dyeing Part 2
The sun is shining, the birds are singing and after a few miserable weather days, Spring is back!
Today, I thought would be the perfect day for some dyeing; this time with Wilton Food Colouring gel and more of the Knit Picks Bare Wool (this time in fingerling weight). I also tossed in some Wool-Ease, just to see how it would take the dye with only 10% wool.
Unfortunately, I didn't document the process (photos and measurements) as much as I did with the turmeric dye a few weeks ago, but I've made good progress today and I at least have something to show for my efforts.
Fast forward 2 years, a bit more research, and a lot more ambition.
As intriguing the concept of using Kool-Aid as a dye is, it has it's limitations (and for me, I'll be honest, a wee bit of a gross out factor). I've read a number of blog entries and articles that I've found via Pinterest (here's my Handspun and Dyed board) and I've poured through my copy of Gail Callahan's Hand Dyeing Yarn and Fleece many times to understand the fundamentals of dyeing yarn (so I guess I won't be using the leftover tie-dye kit dyes on wool after all). I believe that I have a grasp of what I need to do, now the fun part will be to see if it fits with what I want to do!
And here is what I wanted to do: create 2 hanks of yarn with yellow blending into blue. The yellow and sky blue are a lovely complement to one another.
After "wetting" the yarn in a water/diluted vinegar bath, I laid the hanks out side by side on a plastic garbage bag. I mixed about 1/2tsp of the yellow colouring gel into about 1 1/2C water and 1/2C vinegar and did the same with about 1/4tsp of blue. I poured the yellow slowly over the top third of the hanks, gently squeezing as I went to saturate the fibres. I then did the same thing with the ble at the opposite end of the hanks. I then gently squeezed the hanks from the outside in to blend the blue and yellow together in the centre as green. I did the same with the left over dyes to my experimental sample of the Wool-Ease sportweight (as you can see below).
Following the formula of 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off repeated, I steamed the yarn in the microwave (yay for food safe colouring!) And now I'm just waiting for the yarn to cool down to room temperature so that I don't shock it when I rinse it. So far I'm pretty happy with the results. The dye bath has run clear and the colours are gorgeous.
This project seemed like a cake walk compared to the turmeric/beet dye. I can't wait to try another technique soon. I'm thinking dip dyeing. Stay tuned....
... And here is the result: after a rinse and wash with Soak, it's so beautiful.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
Ruminations on Mother's Day - A Non-knitting post.
Here in North America, today is Mother's Day. It's not a day I look forward to. At least not in recent history.
This is my second Mother's Day without my own Mum in my life. A day when I feel sad, lonely, empty inside, and, more than any of all this, guilty. Guilty for not being the daughter I should have been. For taking for granted her unconditional love and forgiveness for my oh so many faults. Today I'm reminded of my failings as a daughter and as a mother and wife, too. I feel guilty for being envious of the husbands and children who make a big deal out of spoiling their Mums every second Sunday in May. Jealous of those who get more than breakfast and a lie-in after a week of reminding them that the dreaded Sunday is nigh. And the guilt of realizing that once I was a mother myself, that Mum only got a call from me on the day, followed by a gift on an upcoming visit (a product of living 5hrs away, but still...), and that is probably just as bad.
So when everyone I know is posting "Happy Mother's Day" on Facebook or showing off their fancy brunches, or neat little trinkets, I will make no post or share today. I simply change my Profile pic to one of me and my boys hours after my second, Alec was born. It reminds me that I'm doing a decent job with them on a daily basis and it takes the pressure off the day.
So instead of focusing on May 10th this year, I'm looking at last week as Mum Week. I dedicate myself to volunteering at my boys' school weekly, but for 2 weeks a year, once in the Fall and again in the Spring, always the week leading up to Mother's Day, I am at the school daily, organizing and running our Book Fair. I'm also baking and potting plants for our annual Plant and Bake Sale. To me, this is my celebration of being a Mum more so than Mother's Day; it's what being a Mum means to me. Giving of my time to my sons' school, especially knowing that they are proud to see me there, really makes me feel like a Mum - I wouldn't be there if I wasn't. I'll admit that I love to hear the other boys and girls call me Alec's or Philip's Mom. It gives my life importance and meaning. Being their Mum is who I am, not just one day a year, but on a daily basis.
As I write this, I'm looking at this special photo. It's not posed, it's natural. And it's beautiful. It's the moment when my capacity for love and dedication doubled. Doubled in ways I would have never believed possible before having a family of my own. A mother's unconditional love. I have it for my boys (despite their efforts to drive me crazy with their constant bickering) and I truly hope and mostly believe that my Mum had for me and my sisters (despite all of our constant bickering.) At least that gives me some solace on this sad Sunday in May.
This is my second Mother's Day without my own Mum in my life. A day when I feel sad, lonely, empty inside, and, more than any of all this, guilty. Guilty for not being the daughter I should have been. For taking for granted her unconditional love and forgiveness for my oh so many faults. Today I'm reminded of my failings as a daughter and as a mother and wife, too. I feel guilty for being envious of the husbands and children who make a big deal out of spoiling their Mums every second Sunday in May. Jealous of those who get more than breakfast and a lie-in after a week of reminding them that the dreaded Sunday is nigh. And the guilt of realizing that once I was a mother myself, that Mum only got a call from me on the day, followed by a gift on an upcoming visit (a product of living 5hrs away, but still...), and that is probably just as bad.
So when everyone I know is posting "Happy Mother's Day" on Facebook or showing off their fancy brunches, or neat little trinkets, I will make no post or share today. I simply change my Profile pic to one of me and my boys hours after my second, Alec was born. It reminds me that I'm doing a decent job with them on a daily basis and it takes the pressure off the day.
So instead of focusing on May 10th this year, I'm looking at last week as Mum Week. I dedicate myself to volunteering at my boys' school weekly, but for 2 weeks a year, once in the Fall and again in the Spring, always the week leading up to Mother's Day, I am at the school daily, organizing and running our Book Fair. I'm also baking and potting plants for our annual Plant and Bake Sale. To me, this is my celebration of being a Mum more so than Mother's Day; it's what being a Mum means to me. Giving of my time to my sons' school, especially knowing that they are proud to see me there, really makes me feel like a Mum - I wouldn't be there if I wasn't. I'll admit that I love to hear the other boys and girls call me Alec's or Philip's Mom. It gives my life importance and meaning. Being their Mum is who I am, not just one day a year, but on a daily basis.
As I write this, I'm looking at this special photo. It's not posed, it's natural. And it's beautiful. It's the moment when my capacity for love and dedication doubled. Doubled in ways I would have never believed possible before having a family of my own. A mother's unconditional love. I have it for my boys (despite their efforts to drive me crazy with their constant bickering) and I truly hope and mostly believe that my Mum had for me and my sisters (despite all of our constant bickering.) At least that gives me some solace on this sad Sunday in May.
Note: My Mum gave me my love of creating crafty things and knitting, in which I find great solace. I treasure my memories of my Mum coming on field trips with me (especially to the Toronto Zoo in Grade 3) and one of my 'jobs' at the school is to help with the Knitting Club.
Friday, 1 May 2015
FO Friday - I was in need of a quickie...
I was staring at my "needs to be sorted" stash last night and felt the need for some instant (almost) gratification. My family's been going through a bit of a stressful period lately, and despite the good work that I'm doing with my WIPs, I really needed a quick fix of a completed project.
So I pulled out the 2 hanks of Katia Iceberg that I picked up at a warehouse sale 2 months ago and set to work on a big chunky cowl. I always find it fun to use my 'comically oversized' needles and they were the perfect fit for this project. I improvised the pattern (the kind of knitting that I find most relaxing) and here it is (albeit in a really, really rough format)!
Kirsty's Relaxin' Chillaxin' Mobius Wrap
Yarn: Katia Iceberg (or a similar Super Bulky Yarn), 2 hanks (200g/66m)
Needles: 19mm/US35
Gauge is not important for this pattern. Have fun with it!
Sl1K: Slip 1 stitch knitwise
YO: Yarn over
sl1 k1 psso: slip1 knitwise, knit1, pass the slipped stitch over
k2tog: knit 2 stitches together
Loosely cast on 16 stitches.
Row 1: sl1k, [YO, sl1 k1 psso] to last stitch, K1
Row2: sl1k, [YO, k2tog] to last stitch, K1
Repeat these 2 rows until you've only got enough yarn left for one more row to bind off leaving a long tail. Around about 50 rows.
Bind off loosely.
Block the piece as a flat rectangle. Once dry, giving the piece a single twist, sew the ends together using a mattress stitch.
That's it. Easy-peasy lemon squeezy!
So I pulled out the 2 hanks of Katia Iceberg that I picked up at a warehouse sale 2 months ago and set to work on a big chunky cowl. I always find it fun to use my 'comically oversized' needles and they were the perfect fit for this project. I improvised the pattern (the kind of knitting that I find most relaxing) and here it is (albeit in a really, really rough format)!
Kirsty's Relaxin' Chillaxin' Mobius Wrap
Yarn: Katia Iceberg (or a similar Super Bulky Yarn), 2 hanks (200g/66m)
Needles: 19mm/US35
Gauge is not important for this pattern. Have fun with it!
Sl1K: Slip 1 stitch knitwise
YO: Yarn over
sl1 k1 psso: slip1 knitwise, knit1, pass the slipped stitch over
k2tog: knit 2 stitches together
Loosely cast on 16 stitches.
Row 1: sl1k, [YO, sl1 k1 psso] to last stitch, K1
Row2: sl1k, [YO, k2tog] to last stitch, K1
Repeat these 2 rows until you've only got enough yarn left for one more row to bind off leaving a long tail. Around about 50 rows.
Bind off loosely.
Block the piece as a flat rectangle. Once dry, giving the piece a single twist, sew the ends together using a mattress stitch.
That's it. Easy-peasy lemon squeezy!
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